How God Sees Us

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Series: Other Speakers

Sun am 25 May 2014 – Leon Du Toit

(1 Pet. 1:23); (Gal. 4:6); (Rom. 8:17); (Gen. 1:27); (John 14:2); (John 3:16); (John 1:14, 16); (Rev. 13:8);
(Eph. 1:23); (Isa. 6:2-3); (1 Cor. 13:12); (John 14:6); (Rom. 10:8); (Luke 6:45); (2 Cor. 5:16); (2 Cor. 3:18);
(John 16:7); (Matt. 16:13-18); (1 Cor. 12:3); (Ps. 36:9); (2 Cor. 4:6); (Rom. 1:4); (John 1:29); (Luke 23:34);
(John 17:5, 22-23); (Eph. 2:6); (Luke 1:38)

The greatest privilege is the present-tense Presence; the I Am. It is the greatest promise of eternal God, the consciousness of His presence. Everything else becomes strangely dim in the light of this glory and grace. Even though man’s idea of God has changed so much, God’s idea has never changed; God’s mind is made up about man. It is an incredible solid assurance, conviction, security that He knows, and it is a privilege to come to the knowledge that He knows.

We have been birthed through the incorruptible Logos (1 Pet. 1:23). He has given us the Spirit of His Son and we cry out “Abba Father” (Gal. 4:6). We are sons and co-heirs together with Christ (Rom. 8:17). Nothing that You have created can so express who You are than those who You made in Your image and likeness (Gen. 1:27).

There is no other place higher than where the Son is; the Son has prepared for us a place to be where He is (John 14:2). For that purpose the Father sent; because He so loves us as He loves His Son (John 3:16). God needs to do nothing more than that which He accomplished successfully on our behalf in and through His perfect Son; the perfect Lamb of God. The law was given by Moses and not one man could be justified by it. The Son, the holy One, through whom we were created in His image, He was the only worthy one, slain from before time (Rev. 13:8). Salvation was intact even before Adam disobeyed and before our history of disobedience.

We have experienced that everyone is included in Christ. God wants us to see as He sees in Christ from before time. The Lamb was, and in Christ we were. This is the reality that includes. There is no greater reality than the Son, full of grace.

The Body of Messiah is rising up, I do not understand the stupidity of trying to cleave onto any other identity; only one body of Christ. No other heads, only one Head of the Body which He gave His life for. His fullness fills all in all (Eph. 1:23). He reconciled us in Christ.  God is fully persuaded about man’s complete redemption. Father says, “I paid a worthy price to reveal to you how worthy you are.” Everyone is as precious to the Fathers as His Son is.

I can no longer think of heaven as a place for some at a distance, others nearer because there is one house, in the house of my Father there are many abodes. Even after we were saved, or realized we were saved in Christ, there was no merit to try and come nearer. He is our exceeding great reward. Father cannot be satisfied with me when I am at a distance. I do not want to try to come nearer, Jesus came all the way. He took us back all the way. He is all for all. Of His fullness we have all received, grace upon grace (John 1:16). It is a revelation of God’s love for us.

Man is good-news-compatible more than anything else. We are not against, we are for. We are not against darkness, we just shine. We are not against the lie; we are just manifesting the truth. Do not give attention to that which is not.

We no longer regard anyone according to the flesh (2 Cor. 5:16). There is nothing as radical as that because then we regard everyone in the highest position in Christ. Discrimination is destroyed because of the revelation of God’s opinion about every person. That revelation lifts every one up into the sanctuary of His presence.

Thank you for the reality of the indwelling presence of Messiah, a greater reality than what the disciples every experienced, when they saw, heard and touched physically. Nobody was able to declare by physical evidence that Jesus was the Christ, the Son of the living God (Matt. 16:13-18). Nobody can say Jesus is Lord but by the Holy Spirit (1 Cor. 12:3). You are the Christ, the Son of the living God; the Body, ecclesia. I pray that this revelation will so burn in our hearts that we will never be tempted by any other identity. We cannot even increase our value. The coin lost its way but never lost its worth.

In His resurrection we were included before we knew it. The only problem with the people around us is that they do not know. Sin is no longer a problem for God, it has been dealt with. The Lamb of God has come and has taken away the sin of the world (John 1:29). God is not trying to forgive us when we do this or that, on the cross before anyone asked for forgiveness, the Son of God said, “Father forgive them for they know not what they are doing” (Luke 23:34). Thank You father that we can know what You have done on behalf of all and that we can express the truth of the knowledge that He has set us free. He is not at a distance, the Christ is in us, and we have been empowered by His Spirit according to His glory in the inner person. Thank you for faith that is, because You are, because of the revelation of what God has done in righteousness to cancel all the wrong. It is wrong when man is not in relationship with God. It is right for man to be in a close relationship with God. Then everything comes into order in the earth. We are not waiting for some future event that God must still do. God says, “I have done it, it is finished.”

The church can never go underground. We are seated with Him in heavenly places (Eph. 2:6). You cannot go underground when that is a reality to you.

I prophetically declare this morning that it is a new season; not a season that repeats again and again and again. The Son of righteousness shines, this sun never goes down because the sun and the Son are united. The path of the righteous is as the light of the morning that grows brighter until the full day, no night can follow again when the Son has risen in our hearts. No plan of satan against this ecclesia, or anyone here, will succeed. I believe it is not a time for consolidation but a time for expansion.

The Son is our true identity, our true image and likeness. It is a time now to listen, we can hear His voice. Be quick to listen, slow to speak. Like Mary we say, “Let it be done to us according to Your word” (Luke 1:38).