Series: Trust; Giving

Sunday am 6 August 2017 – Eddie O’Neill

King James Version: Ps. 37:5, 25 ; Isa. 26:3; 1 Cor. 4:2; Matt. 25:14-29; Mark 12:41-44; Mark. 10:17-22; Luke 16:10-11 (Amp); (Matt. 6:24); (Acts 20:35); Prov. 3:9; (2 Cor. 9:7)

The Spirit of God said, movement is going to come and there is going to be repositioning. Repositioning is going to bring change because you come out of the comfort zone that you are used to living in for years and years and years. It is repositioning you into an accurate position and an accurate place, where you can now reach your destiny. Repositioning always requires you to take a risk, to move out from a traditional way of thinking. It is not only physical; it starts with your thinking. It starts by saying, “Yes, I am prepared to go into something I am not used to, which is going to be foreign to me, but I am going to risk it by faith. God is going to reposition me to put me in a place where I can hear accurately from Him and do His work.” Say, “Lord, I am ready to be repositioned.”

Commit thy way unto the Lord; trust also in him; and he shall bring it to pass (Ps. 37:5-KJV). We have to relocate ourselves back to God’s Word and trust in Him. So much is happening in the world today that has taken us away from our trust in Him. We trust the politicians and they are failing us. We trust the government, the banks, people, and unfortunately, we have come out second best. That is where the repositioning has to come. We have to start trusting God for our future, for our children, for our congregation. We have to put the Word of God first in every way and He will bring it to pass. It depends on where our loyalty lies.

The word “trust” means, to be confident, to be secure and steadfast and focused on Him. There is so much happening today that is drawing us away from Him. Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee (Isa. 26:3). You trust Him! Peace is a Person. You change your focus away from the changing situations in the world that you thought you had security in. They failed you. So God is calling us back, once again, to trust Him implicitly. You are not double minded but your mind is focussed on Him. You can be fearful if you live from your soul man; the spirit man has no fear. You have to start living from your spirit man. He does not drop His very own. Do you believe God can do the impossible? That He can restore wholly and totally? Trust Him! When things look like they are going wrong, can you trust Him? Your mind has to be stayed on Him, not on your circumstances, not on people. God has never failed us. Trust is the issue.

Who do we trust? We have one or two choices. Do I really believe? The more God adds to our lives, the more He trusts us and He wants to add to our lives. Moreover, it is required in stewards, that a man be found faithful (1 Cor. 4:2). Underline the word “steward” in your mind, not “owner”. A steward is somebody who serves another man’s purposes, he is not an owner. God is our owner. He sent His Son Jesus and bought us with His precious blood. He requires of a steward to be found faithful and trustworthy. Peace comes when you know you are stewarding everything on His behalf.

Those who are faithful over little things will be made ruler over much (Matt. 25:14-29). What are the little things? Money! See what the world system has done to us! In God’s sight money is a little thing. Steward it accurately. Can you accept that money is a little thing? When shopping it becomes so little, but when you come Sunday morning suddenly it becomes so big. You cannot afford to give. That is what religion does. It is a mind thing because we see money as great value; we do not see it as a little thing. Our trust is in the thing which is least in God’s sight. We cannot do without it but it is about trust.

I have never seen the righteous forsaken or begging for bread (Ps. 37:25). Jesus said the widow had given more because she had nothing left (Mark 12:41-44). It is not about money, it is about trust. Who do we really trust?

One came running and asked Jesus, Good Master, what shall I do that I may inherit eternal life? Jesus said, One thing thou lackest: go thy way, sell whatsoever thou hast, and give to the poor, (Mark. 10:17-22). But he left sorrowful. He had a love affair with money and was blinded by the mammon spirit. To trust is to rely on, by an inward certainty, that it is going to be the solution. The only Person who has the true solution is Jesus Christ and God.

A radical shift in our minds has to come; a repositioning of your minds. He, who is faithful in a very little thing, is faithful over much. And who is dishonest in a little thing is dishonest in much (Luke 16:10-11). What are true riches? It is something of the spirit realm that is true. Your spiritual growth is directly connected to what you do with money. If you do not know how to deal accurately with money, it could affect your spiritual growth. When we can deal with money honestly towards God who we trust, the Word of God starts opening up to you. There is revelation knowledge that comes. If we are faithful in what belongs to Him, He will give us the true riches.

There is something awaiting every family here; for the future of this house. What are we going to do with what belongs to Him? Make a confession: I am not the owner of this, I am the steward. When I steward well, blessing comes, honour comes and peace comes.

What divides families the most and causes divorces? Money! You cannot serve God and mammon (Matt. 6:24). It is a spirit working to keep you in bondage. It is a spirit of poverty in our minds. It leads us to trust money as the most valuable thing. Money is amoral, it has no morality. There is only good and bad people, not good and bad money. It depends in whose hands it is, who is managing it, and who gives it value.

It is better to give than to receive (Acts 20:35). The world system and the mammon spirit have influenced our thinking. We have an inaccurate view of who it belongs to. We belong to God, He bought us with His precious blood, and He made us His very own. It is not mine, but His. I am not just speaking about money, but about trust. Reposition yourself. It means you may have to live more accurately now and not be taken up by the world system of consumerism. Trust in Him and He will see you through.

Honour the Lord with the first fruits of all your substance (Prov. 3:9). To honour means to be heavy, to be weighty, to be prized or to be treasured or to esteem something higher. Honour the Lord! Come and give with gladness, He likes a cheerful giver (2 Cor. 9:7). It is a sign that the spirit of mammon is broken over this house. You will not submit to the spirit of mammon any longer. There will be no more fear about the future; no more fear that you will not have enough. Do not allow money to dictate to you.