Who We Are

We believe that throughout our lives we are called to demonstrate a message of hope to the world; to be a joyful community committed to neighbourliness and communion with God.

The word ‘Bizweni’ comes from the Zulu word ‘mbizo’, which means ‘the king calls’. ‘Bizweni’ therefore means, “called to a place of meeting by the King” or more simply put, ‘Place of Meeting’.

What we Believe

  • We believe in One God eternally existent in three persons: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.
  • We believe that the Bible is the inspired Word of God, and believe the message of good news to be relevant to all people across the world.
  • We believe that God sent us His only Son, Jesus, to redeem us from sin and to give us eternal life through repentance and faith in Him.
  • We believe that Jesus Christ is the head of the Church, which is built on the Apostles teaching, on fellowship, the breaking of bread, and prayer (Acts 2:42).
  • We believe that throughout our lives we are called to demonstrate a message of hope to the world; to be a joyful community committed to neighbourliness and communion with God.

Our Leadership

Kobus & Tes Swart

Kobus’ first exposure to the apostolic ministry and the gospel of the Kingdom happened in 1973, while he was still a Mathematics and Physics lecturer. After a Divine encounter a new season started in his life as he entered into full-time ministry. He soon discovered the path on which the Lord was leading him was that of a “pioneer”, a journey on which he would often face challenges. However, this did not deter him from his love for God and the church, to see people grow in grace and discover their full potential in Christ. Apart from developing a ministry team, he also diligently continued to study the Word of God and in the early '90s acquired a Master’s degree in Theology from the University of the Western Cape.

During the years known as the “struggle” in South Africa when racial tensions were increasing, he planted a church in Somerset West in 1987, and it became obvious that the Lord had a plan. The church soon became a vibrant multicultural family. Then in 1989, through what was simply a miracle provision of the Lord, he acquired 10 acres of the farm that was then known as "Bizweni". The church was then named "Bizweni Church" from which other ministry activities continued to develop on the prime property now known as the Bizweni Campus in Somerset West.

Kobus carries a grace to clearly unpack deep truths from the Word of God to empower people to transition from season to season and lay hold of their full inheritance in Christ. The Bizweni Church has become a house of healing for many and a place of vision and equipping for those who hunger for intimacy with God. With his team – and true to their vision to be “salt and light” in the community – they currently host several practical ministries and community services. He has also sown the seeds of the Kingdom in many nations and established covenant relationships with a number of Apostolic Teams in different nations.

Kobus and his wife Tes are the Senior Pastors of Bizweni Church. Together they are a unique expression of God's purpose in this season for Bizweni Church.

Adriaan & Salome Pretorius

Part of the Eldership Team

Riaan & Beaulah Sinden

Part of the Eldership Team

Shane Egypt

Currently the Elder and Pastoral Overseer of the Steenberg Household.

Beaulah Sinden and Samantha Hanekom

Overseers of the Kingdom Kids Ministry